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Using terrorism or jihadists or extremists for any political agenda is immoral.
No government in the world kills its people, unless it's led by a crazy person.
The captain doesn't think about death, or life, he thinks about saving his ship.
The fact that there are people who criticize me doesn't mean that people hate me.
It's a dangerous thing when someone gets up in the morning and has nothing to eat.
The armament of the government is legal armament. Any other armament is not legal.
At the end, I said [chemical weapons] is something not to be discussed with anyone.
We are against any WMD, any weapons of mass destruction, whether chemical or nuclear.
It's not exactly fair to make a mistake yourself and then start blaming others for it.
I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country.
We are dealing with treachery and threats, which accompanied the establishment of Israel.
You cannot import anything from outside your country regarding the future of your country.
The first thing you have to learn is how to conduct dialogue and how to make it productive.
We are fully free, not partially, fully free, in everything related to the future of Syria.
The problem with the West is that they start with political reform going towards democracy.
It is natural that we should always expect an Israeli attack, even when it does not threaten.
Look at the results of regime change in Iraq. You can't possibly claim that it was successful.
I don't believe the United States will be ready to join Russia in fighting terrorists in Syria.
Sometimes you may kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands with very primitive armaments.
You cannot talk about winning the war as long as there's killing and destruction on daily basis.
That's the problem with the American position; they think that they are the police of the world.
Circumstances don't matter, only my state of being matters. What state of being are you choosing?
Conversely, it is correct to say that bringing about peace would be the best way to fight terror.
I believe that the United States is not genuine regarding having a cessation of violence in Syria.
Anyone who's not military knows this fact. Why do you use chemical weapons while you're advancing ?
That's all before the crisis. We always have this kind of cooperation with Iran [Supplies, weaponry].
The most significant indicator that there is no disaster in Iraq is the fact that there is no exodus.
Despite the ethnic diversity within each nation, the social fabric of the region by and large is one.
[Peace in Syria] is [António Guterres] priority, and of course it's our priority, that's self-evident.
[Hezbollah forces] cannot exist all over Syria anyway, for many reasons, but they exist on the borders.
If you want to kill the Syrian people, who's going to support us as a government, as officials? No one.
We are very cautious in judging [Donald Trump], especially as he wasn't in a political position before.
Our democracy should reflect our culture and our habits and our customs and our reality at the same time.
I will tell [Barack Obama] very simply : present what you have as evidence to the public, be transparent.
That the rebels or the terrorists used the chemical weapons in northern Aleppo five months ago [in 2013].
If there is any change regarding that hope, we should ask the Syrian people, not anyone else in the world.
Nobody knows [who they are] because when [terrorists] are dead and they are killed, they don't have any ID.
[Enemies of Syria] are the enemies of the people and the enemies of God. And the enemies of God will go to hell.
The United States' credibility is at an all-time low. So, this war is against the interest of the Untied States.
History teaches us that nobody can prevent a resistance group from arming when it has the support of the people.
When you talk about Al-Qaeda it doesn't matter if he's Syrian or American or from Europe or from Asia or Africa.
We have the precedent of Collin Powell ten years ago, when he showed the evidence, it was false, and it was forged.
We don't say that we don't have it, we're still secular in Syria, but with the time, this secularism will be eroded.
Whenever you have a war, the civilians and the innocents will pay the price. That's in any war, any war is a bad war.
The place where the interests of all parties come together is the international community, along with its resolutions.
No doubt that the U.S. is a super-power capable of conquering a relatively small country, but is it able to control it?
We're not in the area where the alleged chemical attack happened. I said alleged. We're not sure that anything happened.
We've been dealing with this kind of terrorism since the fifties, since the Muslim Brotherhood came to Syria at that time.
A bomb is a bomb, what's the difference between different kinds of bombs? All bombs are to kill, but it's about how to use it.
You have different parties, different factions, you have different ideologies ; you have everything in Middle East region now.