We don't get ourselves dry cleaned.

The best antidote to prejudice is reality.

I'm antisocial - there's no question about it.

I'm a good legislator. I'm a bad some other things.

People are entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Ridicule is about the most powerful weapon possible.

The regulation of medicine has been a State function.

For most of my life, I have eaten to deal with stress.

Serving in Congress is like having a second shot at high school.

And I think there is too much bloviating around from politicians.

The best humor is offered up to you by the stupidity of your opponents.

[Democrats] are trying on every front to increase the role of government.

I smoke a cigar or two a day. I did have a brownie once. It made me sleepy.

It seems to me that politicians ought to use the same words as other people.

Ronald Reagan believes in the free market like some people believe in unicorns.

The problem with the war in Iraq is not so much the intelligence as the stupidity.

I have been mislabeled as a big advocate of low-income home ownership over rental.

I don't think Donald Trump is the right person because I very much disagree with him.

I will tell you, I'm a lousy cook, but I think I'm a pretty good judge of a good meal.

These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis.

I believe it is a good thing to get rid of Gaddafi. But does America have to do everything?

Legislators have a formal set of responsibilities to work together, but there's no hierarchy.

Now, most of the time I'm going to agree with the Democrats and disagree with the Republicans.

What's troubling is that the Republicans to defend Mr. DeLay are weakening the ethics process.

We all have the right to call each other names. Rudeness is a deeply held constitutional value.

There is an irony that the most active anti-gay groups are Al-Qaeda and the American Right wing.

Nothing in the world is as mobile as capital. It can move anywhere in the world instantaneously.

And unless you think there is a serious chance you're going to jail, don't listen to your lawyer.

Television is apparently the enemy of nuance. But nuance is essential for a thoughtful discussion.

Community action is as valuable a principle on the international level as it has been domestically.

Disruption never helps your cause. ... It just looks like you're afraid to have rational discussion.

It wasn't until after I was reelected in 1982 that I thought of myself as a long-term member of Congress.

I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals.

There is a correlation between people who attack same-sex marriage and have difficulty maintaining their own.

Whenever people are being intellectually dishonest in debate, it is an implicit concession they have lost the fight

Well, I don't give it out very often, but I reject the notion that you have to be a practitioner to give good advice.

Take free speech: most of the tough cases on free speech involve very unpleasant people saying very obnoxious things.

Conservatives believe that from the standpoint of the federal government, life begins at conception and ends at birth.

I'm used to being in the minority. I'm a left-handed gay Jew. I've never felt, automatically, a member of any majority.

I filed the first gay rights bill in Massachusetts history in 1972 in the legislature, one of the first in the country.

I'm used to being in the minority. I'm a left-handed, gay Jew. I've never felt, automatically, a member of any majority.

In America, unlike England, unlike Israel, unlike Japan, other democracies, we have elections that have staggered terms.

Lawyers are very, very good at keeping you out of prison, but they will sacrifice your reputation and credibility to do so.

Martin Luther King said, and it is sadly still true, that one of the most segregated times in America is the hour of worship.

A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them.

They appear to have become so attached to their outrage that they are even more outraged that they won't be able to be outraged anymore.

The single most important thing you can do politically for gay rights is to come out. Not to write a letter to your congressman but to come out.

This bill is the legislative equivalent of crack. It yields a short-term high but does long-term damage to the system and it's expensive to boot.

Moderate Republicans are reverse Houdinis. They tie themselves up in knots and then tell you they can’t do anything because they’re tied up in knots.

The issue is not that morals be applied to public policy, it's that conservatives bring public policy to spheres of our lives where it should not enter.

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