I would have loved to do 'Alice in Wonderland.' Being a 'Bond' girl would always be fun. We had a lot of action in 'Eclipse' and I'd definitely like to continue down the action road. I want to do a romantic period piece, but those are really hard to get made because they're very expensive and there's not a huge demographic.

I remember getting this scrapbook that this girl made, that I actually gave to my mom to hold onto because she has a 'Twilight' shrine in their house in Florida. It was just this scrapbook of me, starting with 'Twilight,' and the whole progression of me and my career throughout that, and other stuff that I had done in between.

Hollywood is so small that everyone has either worked with someone or knows someone who knows someone and so it was kind of easy and fun. And I think there's something exciting about being, like, "Hey! Welcome to the set!" and making everyone feel welcome, and making it fun, 'cause everybody knows what it's like to be the new kid.

You need to keep everyone wanting more. Every character has so much depth, and there was so much thought that went into it, but it would've taken away at some point from the main story, and everything I think kind of was woven together really beautifully, so that you cared about everyone, and everyone had their own story, but everything helped the main plotline.

When I was growing up, I cheered and danced and ran and stuff like that. I'm probably thinner now than I was in high school. I had a lot of muscle - a LOT of muscle in high school. When I was a kid I did marshal arts, and then I did all-star crazy competitive cheer and dance, and then I swam so I was very muscular. You know, healthy, but not quite as thin as I am.

There's a pretty epic battle "Part 2" of Twilight. It's really involved and it took us a few weeks to film it, because there was so many of us and it was such a large, massive war. I think they're really gonna love that. I feel like we've been working up to this the whole series and there was a bit of confrontation, but you never really got to see all the vampires go full force.

I was really, really, really nervous when I got this role because I did feel it was important to make Alice [Cullen] just as lovable as I read her being on paper and, kind of, full of vitality. In my head she is just this light and breath of fresh air in very dramatic settings - because I feel like we're always extremely dramatic in this film. I wanted people to be able to relate to her.

Throughout the course [of Twilight], you get to see a little more of her vampiric side, because I think she's this vampire with a heart of gold and so that was kind of fun - to show her be a little tough and a little fierce, and to show that she has a little bit of a sassy side when she's dealing with the wolves or with Jacob. So I feel like I got to really round [Alice Cullen] out quite nicely.

[Mackenzie Foy] is really a fantastic actress and she's very professional, but she is still a kid and that's really nice to see, whenever there is a balance and they're able to have fun and play on set, but still go home and hang out with friends her age. I was really impressed with her. I think the biggest change for us is that we had a "swear jar." And she was rich - she made more money than us.

As a Mark brand ambassador, I became extremely cognizant of the devastating statistics about dating abuse and partner violence via the mPowerment campaign and knew I wanted to help change those statistics. mPowerment by Mark and the Avon Foundation for Women funded the No More study, which explored dating abuse, partner violence, and sexual assault. I was honored to be part of it and report the results of the survey in a Capitol Hill briefing.

My mom is a Twilight fan as well and she's just as excited because she's read all the books so I think she wants to see it come alive just like anybody else. My parents supported me from the get-go, they are very supportive which a lot of people don't get. I told my dad I got the part before I told anyone else and he cried and he's so proud and he's so excited. I mean he's amazing and I'm so glad that he's going to sit beside me and go through all of that with me.

I kind of started with this foundation, and tried to do all the research I could do for Alice [Cullen], and then every time a [new] director would come in, they have their own artistic take on things and add in new elements. And a lot of times they would ask, "What did you love that you portrayed, and what do you wish that you could show?" So I felt, with each installment, I got the opportunity to add on something. I think she was very - you know, really sweet, [laughs] a little odd in the first installment.

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