Honor is decency without vanity.

The jester is brother to the sage.

Brain-washing starts in the cradle.

Two half truths do not make a truth.

The cell door slammed behind Rubishov.

We cannot unthink unless we are insane.

The ultimate truth is penultimately a falsehood.

True creativity often starts where language ends.

Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality.

History is a priori amoral; it has no conscience.

Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.

A publisher who writes is like a cow in a milk bar.

Scientists are peeping toms at the keyhole of eternity.

Woe unto the defeated, whom history treads into the dust.

Einstein's space is no closer to reality than Van Gogh's sky.

Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears.

The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards.

In creating the human brain, evolution has wildly overshot the mark.

Space-ships and time machines are no escape from the human condition.

In the pun, two strings of thought are tangled into one acoustic knot.

History had a slow pulse; man counted in years, history in generations

Prometheus is reaching out for the stars with an empty grin on his face.

God seems to have left the receiver off the hook and time is running out.

One may not regard the world as a sort of metaphysical brothel for emotions.

one of the tests of a theory is that, once grasped, it appears self-evident.

In any language it is a struggle to make a sentence say exactly what you mean.

The new frontiers to be conquered are mainly in the convolutions of the cortex.

The fact is: I no longer believe in my own infallibility. That is why I am lost.

Two half-truths do not make a truth, and two half- cultures do not make a culture

The temptations of God were always more dangerous for mankind than those of Satan.

The moment of truth, the sudden emergence of a new insight, is an act of intuition.

What is an editor but a cross between a fall guy and a father figure? arthur koestler

One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up.

Newton's apple and Cezanne's apple are discoveries more closely related than they seem.

Adolescence is a kind of emotional seasickness. Both are funny, but only in retrospect.

The definition of the individual was: a multitude of one million divided by one million.

The prerequisite of originality is the art of forgetting, at the proper moment, what we know.

The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers.

The principle mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers.

The 'missing link' between ape and man will probably never be found- because it was an embryo.

The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.

Creativity in science could be described as the act of putting two and two together to make five

...the temptation, which consisted of a single word written on the cemetary of the defeated: Sleep.

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.

If the creator has a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he surely would have meant for us to stick it out.

The integrative tendencies of the individual are incomparably more dangerous than his self-assertive tendencies.

There is an abundance of ancient place names in the Ukraine and Poland, which derive from 'Khazar' or 'Zhid' (Jew).

Aggressiveness is not the main trouble with the human species, but rather an excess capacity for fanatical devotion.

[My father] loved me tenderly and shyly from a distance, and later on took a naive pride in seeing my name in print.

The individual is not a killer, but the group is, and by identifying with it the individual is transformed into a killer.

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