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The valid point or a valuable contribution of a deserving person has not been truly appreciated if he is respected equally with those people who only desire but don’t actually deserve to be applauded.
A person understands other's language only in tune with his attitude with most people all the time, so it's wise to act nice with individuals only in proportion with the truth cherished in their lives.
The worth of a person’s thought is measured not by the quantity but by the quality of the support that it has got and this quality is defined by a single factor, which is only people’s human character.
The quality of a person’s life is the sum total of the character, good or not so good, of the people whom he has inspired and motivated, directly and indirectly, with his living standard and lifestyle.
If it's advisable to never share own problems with others as sages say that majority don't care, then it's more sensible to never brag of own achievements as their attitude is likely to remain the same.
The very first as a cardinal rule for a person to build trust is to do must only that what is humanly just as that helps to wipe and wither away those parasitic people stuck to his life as dirt and dust.
Judging other people is such a natural and reflex phenomenon that even when somebody advises everybody not to judge anybody, actually he never realised that he has already judged that people judge others.
It’s difficult to find a person who can accept the truth consistently and more when it is related to him only and that’s what keeps the difference between the real talk and the negative talk very marginal.
A person who keeps always his profile down-to-earth doesn't have to worry with those who surround or who to go around for he is likely to get only those who are of his ilk and the real worth on the ground.
People who have known a person for many days but could never spot or appreciate his hidden talent in the first place, are likely to raise their suspicions on seeing him ever winning laurels in the life's race.
Wisdom is the most-sought intellectual degree whose subjects are regularly learned throughout life with an open mind in an open university called life and taught by a teacher who is none other than self-experience only.
If life is a game, then the people who play in center with their own style only make the real name; but for others the aim is just the same for they do anything from comment, copy, criticize, cover or cheer by being anywhere.
Not necessarily reputation, rank, societal position or status,but the happiness and enjoyment that a person pretends or fakes to derive with his possessed money or wealth or both make largely others jealous and envious of him.
A wise man once said that a person is known by the company he keeps, but could then also add that the character of the company is known by the people it keeps for the longest days, especially at the strategic decision making level.
Real people conceive originality then think, write but never read of others' posts to copy to follow and the copycats follow exactly the opposite direction i.e. read of others' posts, write but never think and conceive originality.
Success is not a process of accumulating wealth, building mass relationship or collecting things in excess, but developing, excelling, fostering and growing the happiness for self and others without recess to treat it as the life's progress.
A thought is truly sought only if it has got, in latent or potent form, the strength of 'WE' which sounds as 'V' that stands for 'VICTORY', and so it reflects the power of a true leader who as writer or speaker involves everyone alike at the same level.
Sometimes the words against a selfish have to be sharp, straight and blunt; it is very much like after the failure of all medications to cure a mental patient the only option left to revive him now is to give him a shock treatment through an electric current.
The real leaders intend to do definitely that good task for which a pretender has provoked them by saying that it can't be done, but the good number of pretenders tend to do only that job for which a real leader has cautioned them by showing the things that should not be done.
The reputation is not essentially built by earning too much, learning too many things, achieving awards, bagging rewards or catapulting position to the hilt; but by unquestionably staying simple, humble , well grounded and doing nothing that makes own conscience to feel guilt.
Propose a new concept, most people especially acquaintances will outrightly reject it on knowing that it's from an ordinary person; but when the same becomes the popular subject, none will ever reflect to accept that they once used to object to the very same idea's beneficial effect.
If the selection process is right and its members GOOD, then there could be no reason why the collection of the teammates be not BETTER and bright who would work in the BEST interest of the organization, either individually or jointly, to bring sustainability in achieving newer growth height.
The first day of the brand new calendar year is an empowered time to psychologically unwind to mentally find own life charged emotionally with a refined energy & enthusiasm to create a beautiful growth paradigm within the physically defined laws of nature and the rules of the game called life.
If a quote of two individuals looks identical or almost similar to make it difficult to know as who said it first to be Mr. Right, then it is perhaps sensible to give credit for the same to one who travels in life light by choice and not compulsions than other who is too eager to board on a success flight.
Everyone makes a difference. Someone who does something for others makes a big difference. A person who has no self-interest to do things for others makes a bigger difference. But, one who does everything for everyone for the sake of humanity without vested interest makes a real big difference for sustainability.
A proactive person needs no pressure to perform and an ineffective person offloads his pressure onto others to deform the positive work culture of the system. So practically, a progressive organization knows that no pressure environment plays a pivotal role to increase the productivity or proficiency of its workforce.
Something that is said with the word “YOU” is truly heard by a very few and, that too, listened only of someone who leads a very simple life and regularly says the things refreshingly new because “You” has a tone and texture of an ADVICE, which everyone tries to give than take from others as almost all consider themselves to be WISE.