I always wanted a sibling.

Peas are terrible and a joke food.

Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara are two of my favorite actors.

As cliche as it is, I was a huge Audrey Hepburn girl growing up.

My body is covered with bruises from pinching myself on a daily basis.

I'm constantly walking on eggshells because I'm wearing a $10k outfit.

World peace. I know it's a big ask, but I really really really want it.

It's always funny to watch the scene that you know took a thousand takes.

I do think that working with Canadians, there is quite a sense of humility.

I did a web series years ago where I helped write a kind of a spoof called 'Young Love.'

I remember going to friends' houses and being fascinated when they got into fights with their siblings.

And I just have a dream one day of dancing in Ibiza to 'A Little Bit Alexis.' That's my long-term goal.

For a long time, I thought I was going to go into law, but theatre just kept being so present in my life.

I sometimes can't be bothered, dare I say, to spend a copious amount of time on my hair and my face before I go out into the public eye.

My folks have a cottage north of Kingston, which is literally in the middle of nowhere, and I can be there very happily for like a week.

I watched a bunch of clips - YouTube clips, because I couldn't bring myself to watch entire shows - of, you know, 'Kardashians' and that kind of thing.

About two years into living in Toronto, my apartment burned to the ground. My husband and I ended up living in his grandparents' attic for a year and a half.

There is so much heartbreak and letdown in this industry. You get your heart set on something, and then you're sitting by the phone for three weeks and it never rings.

Eugene Levy is such an incredible legend. He's truly Jim's dad from 'American Pie.' He's the kindest, most fatherly man, who is just concerned about everyone and making sure they're comfortable on set.

Write and create as much as you can, because if you're sitting around waiting for someone to give you a well-round, interesting, incredible role on a silver platter, you're going to be a real cute skeleton covered in cobwebs when that happens.

We usually have a beautiful, sparkling Christmas tree and my dad reads us 'A Child's Christmas in Wales' in front of the fire and it's all very cozy. Then we pack up and head to meet my extended family, where we live out our yearly tradition of everyone gifting everyone underwear in their stockings.

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