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I grew up in a physical world, and I speak English. The next generation is growing up in a digital world, and they speak social.
In an era of social everything, we want to spark possibility and opportunity in the creative arts, in real life, person to person.
The more technologically advanced our society becomes, the more we need to go back to the basic fundamentals of human communication.
We cherish right and we cherish left, but more important, we cherish when you are able to use the whole mind that you were born with.
Technology has given us access to the world and its sea of content, allowing us to never speak to another person if we don't want to.
In China, you've got six people buying for one child. But the thing is, you've got the largest rising upper-middle class in the world.
I am not in favour of quotas. Just put the best person into the job. It is not about gender; it is about experience, leadership and vision.
We have always said actually this isn't about money, it's not about price. This can be an experience. It doesn't have to be about buying something.
My father smoked cigars his whole life, and my husband once in a while does. And when he does, it reminds me of my father. It's a heartwarming thing.
You have to create a consistent brand experience however and wherever a customer touches your brand, online or offline. The lines are forever blurred.
I always say that my job is not to think about today. My job is to look around the corner and feel and see what's coming, and then warn everybody else.
To any CEO who's skeptical at all, you have to create a social enterprise today; you have to be totally connected with everyone who touches your brand.
People talk about the age and positioning of a brand, but hell, it's not about that. The global language is digital, and we need to speak the language.
I've never gone to the Oscars because I can't afford another week away. It is not more important than my husband. It is not more important than my kids.
Think of energy almost like emotional electricity. It has a powerful way of uniting ordinary people, their connected spirit, to do extraordinary things.
I don't want to be a great executive without being a great mom and a great wife. I don't want to look back and say I wish I had done things differently.
It's not unusual for a luxury company to be born from a single product and then diversify. Louis Vuitton began with luggage, and Gucci with leather goods.
I don't care how advanced technology gets. I don't think that there's anything that can replace looking someone in the eyes, touching their hand, you know?
I don't believe that if you are going to build a long-term, sustainable brand that you can chop up every component part and expect everyone to have a perfect P&L.
The main objective - our soul is our people. And our job is to enrich their lives, change the world. And so I think that's the bigger pressure you put on yourself.
The luxury customer is increasingly global and increasingly mobile. Their brand journey is not linear. They might browse online and purchase in store, or vice versa.
You're going to see relationships with technology across anything that's brand. I don't care if that's in home or what you wear. I just think it's a new fact of life.
Great brands and great businesses have to be great storytellers, too. We have to tell stories - emotive, compelling stories - and even more so because we're nonfiction.
Everyone in the world should have a trench coat, and there should be a trench coat for everyone in the world. It does not matter your age; it doesn't matter your gender.
Computers and smart devices are among the greatest intellectual gifts ever created for man but, if not balanced with human contact, may offer little to develop one's heart.
You have to realise that I am the third out of six children, and I am raised with very strong core values and a very strong upbringing. I always put myself in other people's shoes.
From the store windows, the store touch-points, the website, social media, or a magazine, it has to be one pure customer experience, not just to gain market share but to gain mind share.
An influencer, to me, is someone who shares their journey - the ups and downs - and their approach to their craft or the spark that ignites a new interest allowing people to do more and go further.
Unless I can come in in the morning and smile, walk in the lobby and say, 'Good morning!' - if I am stressed - I am not going to do a good job. Everybody is watching us. They are feeding off of our energy.
I think if I'm guilty of anything, I'm guilty of always being incredibly focused on the task at hand. So wherever I've worked, I've just always tried to do my best, achieve my best, build a great team around me.
At some point in your career, maybe you, too, have made the life-altering decision to start anew. If so, you know first-hand how exciting, challenging, and sometimes disorienting the first 30, 60, 90 days can be.
Burberry was about building a relationship. But it was always about selling an amazing product that you would have forever. Apple is just a deeper relationship with a much broader constituency. Because it's everybody.
The basis for all human relationships and where we derive our greatest strength and power, trust is single-handedly the most powerful source of positive energy and, once in place, unlocks a freedom and peace to explore.
I have always admired the innovation and impact Apple products and services have on people's lives and hope in some small way I can help contribute to the company's continued success and leadership in changing the world.
I'm nearly always at home at the weekends; that's important for every working woman today, not just me. I don't encourage people to come in at the weekend and work; I encourage people to go home and create great families.
The experience would be that a customer would have total access to Burberry across any device, anywhere, and they would get exactly the same feeling of the brand, feeling of the culture, regardless of where, when, how they were accessing the brand.
Intuition is the wisdom formed by feeling and instinct - a gift of knowing without reasoning... Belief is ignited by hope and supported by facts and evidence - it builds alignment and creates confidence. Belief is what sets energy in motion and creates the success that breeds more success.