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I don't succumb to pressure.
I write about personal experiences.
It's important to be unconventional.
I am really into crime documentaries.
I love soft music, slow tracks and rap.
'Unstoppable' is a song that I wrote about my mom.
I like to come up with new ideas and see them grow.
If business has my mind, music has my heart and soul.
My father has never influenced the strategy anywhere.
I wrote my first song, called Spectator,' when I was 11.
My creative energy and inputs have always been respected.
From my dad I learnt that it is very important to stay calm.
The first song I learnt to play was Leaving on a Jet Plane.'
My mom is very open-minded and has made Dad open-minded too.
I often take off with my friends for a beach break in Maldives.
I am completely invested in my music - committed to it full time.
I am quite a hoarder, so it is important to let go of some stuff.
I don't think my vibe will work in Bollywood. But Hollywood, maybe.
I am vibe oriented and am able to read people right most of the time.
I look up to people like Michael Jackson because he set up pop culture.
The jet lag really gets to me sometimes and I still haven't found a cure.
I have promised my mum that I am going to get a degree even if I turn 50.
Power and money are not what truly matter, qualities of heart matter more.
My earliest memory of music has to be watching my mother play the santoor.
This would sound cliched, but my parents have been my biggest support system.
If I want to dance, I listen to Meghan Trainor, Katy Perry, Justin Timeberlake.
I often buy things, feel a little guilty, but then think that it's so worth it.
It's okay to have moments where you feel weak; you don't always have to be strong.
I just came from school one day and told my mom I want to start my finance company.
I am my own person with my own experiences, personality, and definition of success.
The world belongs to those who want to make a difference, and gender is no barrier.
I love playing acoustic guitar because I strum with my hands to feel more connected.
An empowered and enriched workforce is the backbone of a company's success framework.
I want to work on reaching out to people, through my music, at the grass-roots level.
Svatantra's journey began with a vision to make women in rural areas self-sustainable.
My sole intent is to spread love through music - to let people know the power of music.
I believe it is only when one comes out of adversity, that one starts to see real beauty.
I respect and admire my family, but they've never expected me to walk in their footsteps.
Eminem is like a God to me. Besides that, Kurt Cobain has been my evergreen musical guru.
'Livin' the Life' is about celebrating life and spreading love and kindness around the world.
Junk food was never allowed at home, and personally too, there is no love for aerated drinks.
As rural people like to maintain a good name in society, they are more honest about repaying loans.
To me, it is all about churning out good music. But, criticisms, which are personal, hurt of course.
I work out one-and-a-half hours a day, five times a week to strengthen my muscles and increase tone.
I believe that friendship is life's most precious and amazing gift and an incredibly powerful force.
Some relationships don't last for a lifetime but we still feel like it is the one that is meant to be.
I witnessed first-hand the self-defeating results of putting yourself under so much pressure to perform.
The beauty of music is that it is a universal language. I truly believe it knows no boundaries of any kind.
I have seen the way a conglomerate works. My personal calling was in start-ups, so I built my own start-up.
South India, and in particular Hyderabad, holds a special place in my heart because I have a huge fan base here.