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All my muscles are in my face. I have a very muscular face. I'm good with faces. I always have been.
It was more of their quirky show. It was more like a cult show. The ratings weren't really that high.
I failed first grade, which is my biggest problem. You always feel like a failure, like you're stupid.
Learn more about yourself! Make a self-esteem collage using pictures of other people you wish you were.
I like to entertain in all aspects. When you're with somebody and you're out, you want to be entertained.
My favorite things often have a story behind them and are usually handmade or discovered at a flea market.
I'm drawn to people who look different. I'm not exploiting. I'm not making fun of them. I'm drawn to them.
Gift-wrap the framed artwork on your walls and rehang them - what's nicer than a wall of presents to look at?
Well I went to New Orleans to cover the jazz festival for Trio, it's this new arts channel, it's really great.
That's how all theater should be done - you only have one chance to see it and then it's gone. One night only.
If you see a shy person, ask them some questions like, 'Why are you so shy? Tell everyone, we're all listening.
I'd just much rather see an ugly person take the trash out than see somebody really pretty taking the trash out.
I feel confident writing on my feet with improv, but it's different when you're sitting down and writing it out.
I like crafts that are made out of necessity because they're a little naive - you made it because you needed it.
My little brother Paul. He owns his own floor sanding business called Silly P Hardwood Floors and hes really good.
Don't leave a piece of jewelry at his house so you can go back and get it later; he may be with his real girlfriend.
I did shoplift but I didn't get in trouble for it. I shoplifted a lot when I was little. Candy. I would steal candy.
More men than women like 'Strangers With Candy'. Pretty girls don't like the show. They don't like to see an ugly lady.
I like to play unattractive people who think they're pretty. You can do what you want, but I prefer to look interesting.
Usually, the best ideas come from other people's good ideas, which then, after a short gestation period, become your ideas.
Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.
Begin your story with a sentence that will immediately grab hold of your listener's ears like a surly nun in a Catholic school.
I have a couple freeloader friends, but it's okay. I know they're gonna come in with their arms flying in the air empty-handed.
I listen. I like to give advice. Mostly, Ill just try to listen to my friends, and theyll say the same thing over and over again.
There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be a hospitable person and have groups of people in your home touching your personables.
You think in a different way when you don't have any money. The joy of poverty is that you use your imagination to come up with stuff.
You know when you watch old movies, it's always the small parts you remember, the character actors who come in like a breath of fresh air.
Don't associate me with comedy. And please don't say actress. I would never call myself any of those things. I hate it when people call me that.
It's natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires.
although it has been said that idle hands are the devil's workshop, when it comes to teenagers, both idle and active hands are the devil's workshop.
A lot of times girls think they're funny, but they want to pretty at the same time, and if you want to be funny, you have to be willing to get ugly.
I like to make things, but I looked at old craft books on weaving or mosaics or whatever, I'm like, 'I don't really know anything about that stuff.'
When I'm by myself, I never play music. I have a lot of it, for a girl, but I don't listen to it a lot. I hate picking music out; I'm not good at it.
I like crafts that come out of poverty or necessity. There used to be hobby shops where you'd get your supplies, and then you'd use your imagination.
When I'm by myself, I never play music. I have a lot of it, for a girl, but I don't listen to it a lot. I hate picking music out, I'm not good at it.
I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.
I've always been drawn to people with problems. Not just physical problems, but mental problems too. Like depressed people or killers, all that stuff.
If I put my mind to something, it happens. I do know that's not necessarily psychic. But I always feel like there's something around me protecting me.
I like to be around entertaining people. Even if they're bored, and you're in a convalescent home, there's something entertaining about that, in a way.
I’ve named everything that I’ve ever owned. Real or inanimate, I have to give it a first and last name. Everything in my apartment comes alive at night.
Usually I'm the one asking somebody to do something because I don't know how to finish it. I'm like, 'Do this for me' because I'm just resistant to learning.
I was just a kid. I think I stole a candy bar. I remember feeling so terrible. It was the worst shock. I was probably 7. That's my least favorite feeling: guilt.
My kitchen's pink, like skin-tone pink, and I lowered my spice rack so it's eye level - it's true! - and my phone, so I can reach it when I fall, it's right there.
I always want to look unattractive, it's more fun. I like playing opposites, people who aren't attractive who think they are pretty. That's always interesting to me.
I wasn't a cliquey person, and I think that's because I came from a large family. I got along with everybody, and I usually got along with the people that people didn't like.
I'm not very good with drink recipes. If I'm entertaining, I like to come up with a house drink for the evening, one thing I'll make for the whole evening of the whole month.
I wouldn't call myself a shut-in. I have the ability to leave my home; I just choose not to. But because I'm such a homebody, it's important to be surrounded by things I love.
I don't really consider myself to be a comedian. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting around writing jokes or anything. I just like dressing up and pretending to be other people.
I need a costume to be convinced that I'm somebody else. Otherwise, it's just me. It's just Amy saying lines. I haven't really become somebody else. And what's the fun in that?
Don't make anybody a homemade gift. Unless you're really good, or it's going to be really practical. If it's a little thing you think is cute 'cause you made it, just forget it.