Children don't have anywhere to go except cinema halls, malls and restaurants. All three aren't ideal places for kids to grow up in.

But being a director of a media school in Hyderabad, being actively involved in animal welfare and my personal life keep me busy all day.

With so many public places banning pets people can't socialise their animals, which makes them more hostile and leads to unsocial behaviour.

Holi has always been a nightmare for me because of the dangers of synthetic colours. Eco-friendly colours are the best way to celebrate Holi.

In Mumbai and Chennai there is method in the madness. Despite its large crowds there is a 'live and let live' spirit and a connection with good.

I was at my wit's end trying to solve the world's problems. I was frustrated that I could do very little. That frustration took me to Vipassana.

My school was one of the most beautiful places a child can grow up in. You are surrounded by nature - cats, dogs, birds and buffaloes everywhere.

It takes the farmer 10 kgs of vegetation to feed the animal in order to produce 1 kg of meat. In other words a meat eater consumes 10 people's food!

While growing up we all did our own work' I remember, we had a sign on our bathroom door which said 'Gandhiji cleaned his own bathrooms, so must you.'

Personally, I have met many widows who've been thrown out of their homes. I had done a fund-raising event to help widows supported by Bala Vikasa group in Warangal.

I work with 15 organisations that deal with issues ranging from environment protection and wildlife conservation to human rights, and women's and children's rights, etc.

I pick up pieces at Fabindia or The Deccan Story in Hyderabad. The owner of the store, Keerthi Reddy, does lovely customised outfits, including khadi kurtas with a soft lining.

I would like to clarify that the only adoption I am involved is through the Blue Cross Animal Welfare Shelter where we provide healthy and friendly homeless animals for adoption.

Many a time when magazines reported that Nagarjuna was spotted with a lady, I was present at that very event. They could be referring to me, as they might have not recognised me.

The animal birth control and anti-rabies programmes, which are under the threat of being altered or discontinued, need to be strengthened in order to address the issue of the stray dog menace.

There's innocence in a young mind, say 18 or 21, writing a script. But we have to acknowledge that they have to open up to life's experiences to be able to add those layers of depth into the script.

As a 73 year old global brand, IAMS comes with a very strong legacy of tailored nutrition for pets and I am glad to be a part of the launch of a brand that shares my priorities and the needs of my pets.

I had been acting from a very young age and also performing with a dance troupe, the Kalakshetra Dance Troupe, from city to city. I needed a break. After marriage I took time off. That break lasted 24 years!

Both Naga Chaitanya and Akhil are in the movies. They both insisted on being launched outside the home banner .They were very clear that they didn't want a home launch.My husband and I are very proud of them.

Rukmini Devi was an icon for all the Bharat Natyam students at Kalakshetra. I grew up watching her at dance school and I associate her style with grace and humility - it's never the clothes, it's the persona.

Many times people tried to convince me about Ahimsa silk, but when I followed the chain of production it always ended with genetically modified silk moths that could not fly. There was nothing Ahimsa about it.

Filmmaking these days is so technically advanced. When I started off, we had to wait for two to three months to see the rushes. But now you can see every scene on the monitor and you can see your work immediately.

Each creature both great and small has evolved after millions of years of evolution serving an integrated and important part in the ecological balance of our Earth. Upset the balance and the consequences are disastrous.

It's incredible being a woman. I was, of course, fortunate to have an Irish mother who is an empowered woman. She comes from the western culture where women's rights and empowerment happened much earlier in the 19th century.

Once when we were holidaying in Singapur, a fan did not recognise me as I had shaved my head. The fan approached Nagarjuna and asked him ferociously, aren't you married to Amala? Nagarjuna then explained to him that this lady is Amala!

A whole generation is moving away from highly ritualistic practices into a more thinking, spiritual process. By spiritual, I don't refer to a cult or a guru. In your heart, you continue to feel the presence of people who've been dear to you even after they've left.

When the Hyderabad Chapter of TFI approached me to be a part of their Leaders in Classroom event, I readily agreed to be a part of it. It was a great classroom experience. I really enjoyed myself. The kids were very expressive and it was heartening to say the least.

The discussion of animal rights in jallikattu has been misunderstood. We know that the tails of the bulls are broken, that chilly powder is rubbed into their eyes and they are forcibly fed country liquor. The animal is overwhelmed and does not know what is happening.

From Blue Cross we reach out to about 14,000 school kids every year. No matter where I go, be it a police station or a corporate office, I have some youngsters coming up to me to saying, 'madam we heard you in school.' It feels great and that's something I really enjoy doing.

The day I set foot in Hyderabad, I saw an animal being hit by a vehicle. The city did not have a shelter for the bleeding animal, and I brought it home. In less than a month, our house was home to all kinds of animals - a buffalo with a broken hip, a blind mongoose, goats, dogs, cats.

Birds and animals in the wild migrate every year to safer and nurturing pastures, leaving behind the old environment. After nurturing their young ones, they return to thrive in the old environs. I use that analogy to meditate. You migrate to your inner soul, nurture the strength, light and creativity there, and return.

Nelson Mandela, Dada Vaswani, Harsh Mander, Shabana Azmi - I admire their humanitarian work. But sadly even Nelson Mandela could not keep corruption out of his cabinet and within a year, I am told, the victims of apartheid turned into perpetrators of corruption on their own people. Greed has no boundaries of colour or country does it?

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