Patience has all the time it needs.

To forgive does not mean to forget.

Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.

No one looks or feels attractive when angry.

One who is patient glows with an inner radiance.

You cannot control the results, only your actions.

True patience is grounded in wisdom and compassion.

So what is a good meditator? The one who meditates.

There is no illness that is not exacerbated by stress.

Do not speak about anyone who is not physically present.

Accepting the reality of change gives rise to equanimity.

Patience is both the tool for and the result of, our efforts.

We all have issues and we have usually come by them honestly.

Patience is supported & nurtured by a quality of forgiveness.

Don't believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that - thoughts.

Any methodology for developing patience requires a multi-tiered approach.

The practice of lovingkindness can uplift us & relieve sorrow & unhappiness.

Observing your thoughts, feelings & sensations is the grist of the practice.

While meditating we are simply seeing what the mind has been doing all along.

It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need.

Support the type of thinking that leads you to feeling good, peaceful & happy.

We must accept the reality that the causes of impatience travel a two-way street.

We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but today is overflowing with potential.

Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different from the way they are.

Thoughts, words, emotions & deeds not coming from love are likely coming from fear.

The more we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness & inner peace.

To advance spiritually requires a method of practice & determination to carry it out.

That's why it's called a practice. We have to practice a practice if it is to be of value.

We yearn for there to be meaning to our lives, balanced with a sense of inner peace & joy.

Patience lives in the gap between our experience of an event and our response to that experience.

Being a senior doesn't automatically make one wise but the wise & foolish alike have things to teach us.

Praise & esteem can feel good, which is fine, but don't look to them for inner peace & lasting happiness.

We need never be bound by the limitations of our previous or current thinking, nor are we ever locked into being the person we used to be, or think we are.

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