Cautionary tales were fantastic in the '70s.

We're born first humans then after they stamp our passport.

You have to be very focused about the music that you have inside.

I have this thing that, once I finish a movie, I never see it again.

If I would rescue one of my movies, it would be 'A Little Princess.'

I have to confess that I don't read much of what is written about me.

I think it's always important to give immediate positive reinforcement.

Learn from your experience shooting your film, and then move on to the next.

When I learned to switch jealousy for admiration, it unblocked a lot of things.

Experiencing this film in 2-D is only getting about 20 percent of the experience of 'Gravity.'

I really believe there is the possibility of something great that can happen in the right hands.

Technology is technology. Technology doesn't have a, it is not good or bad. Technologies are tools.

I guess I have a short attention span! I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.

No 'rules.' What are you, British or something? I guess I'm too nice... No wonder people take advantage of me.

Every film is difficult. Making films, you're always going to have problems, there's always going to be challenges.

Once I finish a film, I don't ever see it again. Never ever. I have never seen any of my films since I finished them.

I have to say, 'Gravity' is better in 3-D, even though in 2-D the quality of the picture is better. But the 3-D is better.

The amazing thing is that the more money it takes for a movie to get made, the more you feel like everybody wants you to fail.

What's the point of being an Australian guy traveling through India if you are going to go to India to meet other Australians?

Story is important but the most important is the theme and how you're going to convey theme cinematically. I'm a believer also.

The only reason you make a movie is not to make or set out to do a good or a bad movie, it's just to see what you learn for the next one.

If you want to keep on being relevant as a director, I think you have to embrace the times. And with the times come technologies and formats.

I believe that human beings are born first and given passports later. I'm really thankful for my journey. And it's a journey I didn't design.

I love L.A. I always have such a great time in L.A. The way I kind of define me and L.A. is the noise of the factory doesn't let me sleep well.

There are fewer established rules in the way you tell a story for commercials than in features. It's a great little short story you get to play with.

The great thing about the moon landing is that my grandmother got the first color TV in order to be able to see the moon landing that was in black and white.

I used to be very controlling with visuals and editing, and I would pretty much craft the performances; now I have learned to trust the material and the actors.

There is a certain thing that you have to just stick to the plan, stick to what you want to do, and you try to work with studios and executives that they get it.

I understand the bad rap that 3-D is getting because the conversions are crappy and because the films aren't designed for 3-D. It's a completely different medium.

Style is just an impression. Style itself is hollow. Style, its ok style as long as it is part of a language. Style for style itself is just something very hollow.

I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges. I always said the only reason to make a film is not for the result but for what you learn for the next one.

I produce the way I would love to be produced: In ways to create the best conditions to make your movie, but also to create a space in which the director calls the shots.

The long takes process doesn't allow for that many takes. In the past I have shot over 50 takes of different shots. Sometimes you end up using take 64, sometimes take four.

For me, my films are not like my children. They are like my ex-wife. They gave me so much; I gave them so much; I loved them so much; we part ways, and it's OK, we part ways.

I find it very stupid that teenagers could only see caricatures of teenagers but they couldn't see films that you try to be a truthful context, a truthful portrayal of teenagers.

The two real leads in 'Children of Men' are Clive Owen and the social environment. You know, this same movie without the social environment maybe is just like a generic chase movie.

I knew early on that I was a nerd and that films were my refuge. Those first few minutes before the lights went off, and you're alone in the theater waiting, were really pleasurable.

When you work with kids, people tell you to be very delicate, but that's the last thing you should do with kids. They feel patronized if you're like that. They just want you to be normal.

I was 8 when we landed on the moon. I was so into the space program as a kid. Eventually, I realized it was very unlikely that a Mexican kid in the early '70s was going to be an astronaut.

Dramatically, the moment in 'Gravity' that was hardest to nail down is when Ryan is in the Soyuz capsule and she realizes that she's out of fuel. That's when the character's arc gets defined.

Space fascinated me because I'm from the generation that saw Neil Armstrong walk on the moon live on TV. I was 7 at the time. Also, 'Lost in Space' was one of my favorite shows on TV back then.

I was not aware of how much I loved 'Canoa' until I saw it after doing 'Y Tu Mama Tambien' and realized that my voice - over about the story's historical context - that narrator - came from 'Canoa'.

I left Mexico for artistic survival. If I had stayed, I would have been forced by the government, who control the movie business, to direct TV shows or commercials or infomercials for the government.

I have my misgivings about 3-D. I don't like the lack of blacks and whites, how it dulls the image, how the color gets corrupted. I don't necessarily like the experience of having heavy glasses in front of me.

Y Tu Mama Tambien' is one of the first unrated movies to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. But many video stores won't take a movie that's not rated, so I had to make the movie an R.

'Y Tu Mama Tambien' is one of the first unrated movies to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. But many video stores won't take a movie that's not rated, so I had to make the movie an R.

As a director, you're only as good as your collaborators. You surround with collaborators that are going to understand what you're trying to do. Not only that, they're going to push and fight for what you're trying to do.

When I finish a movie, I don’t ever see the movie again. The moment I finish the color correction and the mix, I never seen any of my movies ever again. I just try to explore what I can learn from the experience and move on.

I learned there's an amazing unexplored territory in terms of narrative. Before, I thought the unexplored territory was the form, the way you shoot a movie. Now, I'm learning about the beautiful marriage between form and narrative.

As a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut. And my own passion was that I wanted to be a film director. I realized that being an astronaut was not going to be an option, so I said, "Well, I'm going to be a director and do films in space."

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