I have no time for being embarrassed.

I pretty much moisturize all damn day.

It feels very cool to be part of a girl gang.

When I was hired to 'SNL,' I was 25 years old.

Every morning when I wake up, I listen to 'The Brian Lehrer Show' on WNYC.

Shooting in Japan was one of the best working experiences of my entire life.

I just want to be myself, and I really, like, can't say I'm sorry for it. I just can't.

I love Instagram. I find it to be one of the truly positive social media things that exist.

It's really fun to play someone with no filter but who is also really good at what she does.

I want to feel like I can dance or party all night and not be worried about people stepping on my dress.

I'm not big on fuzzy or fleecy slippers. I just don't like the texture and the heat. It just gets to be too much.

I know seeing bigger women looking great would have mattered to me when I was younger - that's why I try not to wear a black dress every day.

I'll do very light, very easy yoga in my dressing room. I like to just lay down on the floor and put my legs on the wall and stretch and just be still.

I shop almost exclusively online, from brands like Eloquii, ASOS, Elizabeth Suzann, or Rachel Comey, if one of their straight-size pieces has a little extra room.

I like to play characters that have an inner confidence about them that maybe you wouldn't expect them to have and that they aren't afraid to unleash occasionally.

It is a really bizarre feeling to perform for, like, five people. You get so much energy from an audience, and when it's just five quiet people at a table, that's not the same.

I've never shown up to the set of 'SNL' or 'Girls' without having a million options for me to try on. They don't bat an eye at my body or how to dress me because they dress all kinds of bodies as costumers.

Most days, we don't get to the 'SNL' studio until noon. On Monday, we pitch the host, and that's our shortest, lightest day. Tuesday is our longest day - some people don't leave until Wednesday night. It's just a long, long day.

I did theater summer camps when I was a kid, and I enjoyed them, but they never felt quite right. But then there would always be a tiny improv workshop towards the end of camp, and I would always feel like I liked it so much better.

I think it's a different experience for plus-size women in film and television to get clothes for events. It's just not as welcoming for us to get cool clothes that are, like, equal in glamour, in style, to what, I am going to say, 'small size' co-stars get to wear.

I was a religious 'SNL' watcher all through middle school. I was obsessed with Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer, Cheri Oteri - they were on right when I found the show. Then I started watching the older episodes, and it just totally blew my mind that my dream show already existed.

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