My wife and I are breakfast people.

I love to compete and I hate failing.

I don't care what people think about me.

You have to be able to hit the deep balls.

I do get recognized every once in a while.

You make yourself tougher in the offseason.

Whatever play is called, I go run the route.

For me, I'm just trying to keep getting better.

If I get a target, I want the ball in my hands.

Joe Mauer, as a local guy, I've looked up to him.

I love when people think I'm not a good receiver.

I have tried to have a really good, positive attitude.

For me, it's simple: easy recipes equal more family time.

I was pretty realistic about my chances of being drafted.

You have to be different on the field than you are at home.

You constantly have to grind, work harder than anyone else.

I love when people think it's going to be easy to guard me.

Being a part of the practice squad was a tough year for me.

I honestly don't care about individual awards or statistics.

That's something you work on Day 1. You never stop your route.

I played college football for free. I had to pay to play, really.

You have a little more time to make moves when you're in the slot.

Money is good and everything, but championships are what it's about.

Just trust that good things will happen if you're working hard and making plays.

I've never been a numbers guy. Numbers don't excite me. Winning games excites me.

When there are things I see on tape that I think I can get better at, it frustrates me.

You know, the media always tries to twist things and make things into what they're not.

Cris Carter and Randy Moss - they're the guys who made me want to play football and be a receiver.

The guys who play at a high level probably think they are better than they are, and that's all right.

I feel like I've proven that I can be a starter in this league, and I want to be respected in that way.

I'm the kind of person who always has a Plan B. I don't want to go into anything without another option.

Defenses usually are trying to take away the guys who are getting a lot of catches earlier in the season.

I really am genuinely happy for guys that get paid and have success when they actually work their tails off.

We actually had a toilet on the sideline in college. We had like a little mini-toilet; we'd go and flush it.

You have to have a great offensive line, great quarterback and guys around you that believe in you and help you.

I didn't need to be motivated by other people overlooking me. My motivation was internal, to be better every day.

I think there were a lot of people at Mankato reaching out to the Vikings saying to just bring me in for a tryout.

Something I remind myself every day, just do your job to the best of your ability and that's the most important thing.

By the time the season's over, I'm ready to get back in the weight room and start training as far as getting stronger.

I always played 'FIFA' and stuff like that growing up, and seeing those guys celebrate, I kind of got inspiration from that.

I just want to make sure that I'm competing every day and giving my best effort, because everything else just falls into place.

Being able to put the film out there that I did and prove that I can be a starter in this league, it's put me in a good situation.

For me, Thursday night football is a great time for me to enjoy the game with my family, as I'm not able to watch as much on Sundays.

A lot of times you don't see that, doesn't matter when they're drafted, first round or not. You usually don't see guys come in and wow you.

I think everybody individually does things a little differently. As a quarterback, every quarterback has their strengths and their weaknesses.

It doesn't matter who you are in this league: You're always trying to have a bigger role. Anybody who said they weren't trying to do that would be lying.

I don't think it's much different at this level. It just feels like playing high school football, college football. It's the same games, the same routes.

It's frustrating when you don't feel like you help the team like you should, but at the end of the day there's going to be ups and downs and it's how you react.

There's a lot of guys out there that can play at this level, and sometimes they might be discouraged because they come from a small school or a tough situation.

I had a coach when I was getting recruited say maybe you should play basketball at a Division III level, because you're not good enough to play football in college.

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