Markets are conversations.

Chemistry cannot be purchased.

I've got the moves like Jagger.

Nothing wrong with making money.

Men need to live and breathe women.

And I think I have a distinct voice.

I'm cocky. It's different. Cocky is playful.

Every male secretly wants sex with Brad Pitt.

It's sweet that I don't have to do my laundry.

Taylor Swift is super charming. Damn you Swift.

Before I go on stage I pretend that everyone loves me.

I've always felt a little misrepresented in the world.

Before I go on stage, I pretend that everyone loves me.

I never got down with conveying a larger-than-life vibe.

I'd rather be loud and misunderstood than quiet and bored

I don’t think any relationship responds well to pressure.

I don't think any relationship responds well to pressure.

Nobody has it all, but for me to even come close is amazing.

I'm fiercely independent, but I'm also terrified of being alone.

Peer pressure plays a huge role in people's desire to get married.

George Bush is just as much in the dark as I am, and it scares me.

At any Maroon 5 concert, you'll see a room backstage marked 'yoga.'

I felt like people only knew me as a singer who dated pretty girls.

I had to fight with myself 'cause he's so good, yet he's so popular.

I play in a band, I write songs, I sing, you know, perform on stage.

I'm confident. Some people don't like confidence. They resent confidence.

Music was a way of rebelling against the whole rah-rah high school thing.

Yoga carves you into a different person - and that is satisfying physically.

You wouldn't be a complete band without a slightly cocky frontman, would you?

Roads taken far away from you are many. Do not fear, Mother; they all lead back.

I don't date my girlfriend because she's a model. I date her because I love her.

ADHD isn't a bad thing, and you shouldn't feel different from those without ADHD.

There's nothing to win in yoga. You just do what you can do, one day to the next.

The power and the potency of music will transcend any one person's opinion about it.

I hate flying. Know why? Because no one really understands how planes actually work.

I love music videos, I really do. I think it's kind of sad that it's a dying art form.

As a pop star, you don't have to be that smart for people to think you're intelligent.

I don't know if it's possible to live the rock 'n roll lifestyle and still be romantic.

I don't know if it's possible to live the rock 'n' roll lifestyle and still be romantic.

Acne may be good at destroying self-confidence, but Proactiv+ is good at destroying acne.

'The Voice' was the first real job I've ever had that wasn't just messing around with music.

I have a high self-opinion - I don't need to hide that. I don't need to be self-deprecating.

Take control over your skin by using an acne treatment system that actually works: Proactiv+.

Let's face it, I only practice yoga because the classes are always packed with beautiful women.

It is dangerous to exist in the world. To exist is to be threatened. We must live with threats.

Shakira is a new friend, but I love her dearly already. She's so sweet and adorable and hilarious.

I do believe that I deserve what I have. I don't think I'm entitled to it. That's a big difference.

Yoga takes what you have and molds and sculpts it, which is a much more natural way to look and feel.

I was the music dude that was naked all the time with the girls, and that's fine, no problem with that.

'The Voice' is built on positivity. Once we started filming, I knew that America was really going to love it.

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